Are you getting ready to pack your bags and leave for a much-needed vacation? While you may have planned out all the exciting details of your trip, have you thought about what needs to be done before leaving your home unattended? With a little prep work, you can ensure that your house is safe and secure while you’re away.

In this post, we’ll share 10 essential tips for prepping your home before heading out on vacation. So grab a pen and paper because these tips are not to be missed!

1. Unplug Appliances

One of the most important things you can do to prep your home before you leave for vacation is to unplug all your appliances. This includes everything from your coffee maker to your television. Not only will this help save you money on your energy bill, but it will also help protect your appliances from power surges.

2. Change Your Thermostat Settings

If you plan on being gone for more than a day or two, it’s important to change your thermostat settings. This will help keep your energy bills in check while you’re away and prevent your home from becoming too hot or cold.

To save money on your energy bill, set your thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer and lower in the winter. This may not be comfortable when you first return home, but it will make a significant difference in your energy usage.

If you have a programmable thermostat, you can set it to return to your normal settings an hour or so before you arrive home. This is so that your home is comfortable when you walk in the door.

3. Lock All Windows and Doors

While you’re in the process of packing for your vacation, spare a few extra minutes to ensure the security of your home. Start by checking the functionality of your door locks. If they’re not in perfect working order, consider reaching out to a Daytona Locksmith (or one in your vicinity), to have them fixed. In addition to securing your doors, it’s crucial to close and lock all windows before you depart. An open window can be an open invitation for intruders, so it’s essential to make sure all windows are firmly closed and locked before you set off on your vacation.

Bear in mind that securing a broken window or door is akin to leaving them open. Prioritize addressing their poor condition before heading for a vacation. If, however, repairs prove ineffective, consider replacing them. For this, you can enlist the help of professionals who can provide door and window installation services. They can tackle the task swiftly.

4. Take Out the Trash and Recycling

It’s important to take out the trash and recycling before you leave on vacation so that your home doesn’t become a breeding ground for pests. If possible, put your trash and recycling in a sealed container so that it doesn’t attract attention from animals.

5. Waterproof Your Home/Check for Leaks

If you’re leaving your home for an extended period, it’s important to take measures to protect it from water damage. Waterproof your home by checking for leaks and repairing any damaged areas. For instance, if you notice damage to your roof that could cause leakage in the house, consider conducting an online search using phrases like “roofers near me“. This way you can locate qualified professionals who specialize in addressing roof issues and hire them after thoroughly reviewing their websites and customer reviews.

Similarly, remember to disconnect any hoses or pipes that could leak while you’re away. If possible, have someone check on your home regularly to ensure there are no issues. If you’re unable to do this, consider installing a water detection device that will alert you if a problem arises.

6. Put Away Valuables

It’s important to put away all valuables before you leave for vacation. This includes items like jewelry, watches, and laptops.

You don’t want to leave these items out in the open where they could be easily stolen. Instead, put them away in a safe place where they’ll be hidden from view.

7. Set Up a Timer for Lights

Another important thing to remember is to set timers for your lights before you leave on vacation. This will give your home the appearance of being occupied, deterring burglars. It’s a simple step that can give you peace of mind while you’re away.

8. Check Alarms

When it comes to home safety, one of the most important things you can do is to make sure your home alarm is working properly. Before you leave for vacation, take a few minutes to test it. If it seems to be malfunctioning, then replace it with Verisure Monitored Alarm System and the like. Additionally, it is a good idea to create a list of emergency numbers and keep it near your phone in case of an emergency while you’re away.

9. Arrange for Pet Care

If you have pets, it’s important to make arrangements for their care before you leave on vacation. This can include hiring a pet sitter, boarding your pet at a kennel, or making arrangements with friends or family members to check in on them while you’re gone.

If you’re hiring a pet sitter, be sure to interview several candidates and choose someone who you feel comfortable with and who will provide the level of care your pet needs. When boarding your pet, tour the facility beforehand to make sure it is clean and well-run, and that the staff is caring and attentive.

Whatever option you choose, make sure your pet has plenty of food and water. Also, make sure that their bedding is clean and comfortable, and that they have any toys or other items they need to stay entertained while you’re away.

10. Notify the Post Office

If you’re going to be gone for more than a day or two, it’s a good idea to notify your local post office. This way, they can hold your mail for you while you’re away.

To do this, simply fill out a form at the post office or online. You’ll need to provide your name, address, and the dates you’ll be gone. Once everything is filled out, submit the form and you’re all set!