Anywhere that you decide to travel can be safe if you prepare yourself ahead of time and make sure you have planned the correct precautions.

It can be a scary experience to go on a solo trip, but that feeling can be elevated with solo female travelers as they can be seen as easy targets no matter where they go.

If you are planning to visit Paris and you want to be safe when you arrive, then here are some reasons why visiting Paris should be on your list as well as some safety tips on making your way through areas like the Porte De La Chapelle and Notre Dame without worrying too much about where you are.

Looking forward to being a solo female traveler and are keen to know some Paris safety tips to make it a memorable trip? Read on to learn more.

Why Should You Visit Paris?

If you have visited Paris before with other people, then you know what it is like.

Maybe you went there for a romantic getaway with your other half, walking to the top of the Eiffel Tower and looking out over the beauty of the city. Or perhaps both of you went to soak up the history of Paris by visiting the Arc De Triomphe.

Whatever you went for, it must have made an impression on you to go back.

However, if you haven’t made the trip to Paris before and you would like your first solo trip to be to Paris and immerse yourself in the French culture, then here are some reasons why you should visit.

It is an Iconic Destination

Picture it, you just get on at the Gare De Lyon train station and travel down the line to the southeast part of the city where you can travel to Marseille, Nice, The French Alps, Lyon, the list goes on.

You can see a variety of major tourist attractions right in front of you, soaking up the culture and inspiration of the city and the countryside from one stop to the next.

The Eiffel Tower alone is enough to bring people to Paris, but being able to see what else it has to offer for solo travelers out there, is nothing short of exhilarating for the lovers and the travelers of the world.

It is Perfect For Introverts

Not a fan of being surrounded by people (e.g. Disneyland Paris), then there isn’t anything to worry about as you can move around Paris without having to be extroverted.

You can travel solo to museums and cafes, you are able to shop alone and take long walks alone, and even join a walking tour if you feel like it.

You can take your solo travel experience to the next level when in Paris, as everything people would normally do together is normal for solo travelers.

Exploring Paris by yourself is fine.

You can take a walk through the Latin Quarter and feel like you are part of the other French women who walk around the city (just make sure you don’t look like a tourist as you will definitely stick out then).

It is Easy to Eat Alone

Paris, France is known for its amazing food and drink, and who says you need to be with someone else to enjoy it?

Apparently, it is quite common for women to eat alone in Paris, so when you are on your solo female travel mission, you won’t need to worry about people staring at you for eating alone outside a cafe or having the waiter pity you for being alone.

You can sit back and watch the world go by.

Some Safety Tips For Visiting Paris

Looking at the reasons why you should visit Paris may make you want to hop on a plane right now and take off.

However, just like with every new place you go to, it would be a good idea to take a look at some safety tips to protect yourself before going to a different country.

You can ask many people what they think of Paris, and they will have their own thoughts and feelings. Some will say that it is a very safe city, whilst others may lean another way and feel like it can be sketchy.

Whilst bits of it can be true, it is all about where you go and what you do, as well as the times. Some spots may be perfect during the day, but at night they could turn into something completely different.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Quite self-explanatory, but you need to make sure that you are on the lookout at all times to keep yourself safe.

If your body language screams solo female traveler, then pickpockets and scam artists are going to zone in on you as an easy target and try what they can to get you out of your money.

Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

You want to enjoy yourself wherever you are, but your senses of your surroundings can be dulled through the use of alcohol, so if you are in a bar or restaurant alone and you are drinking, once again you are seen as a prime object for them to go after.

Your inhibitions can be lower and you may lose your keys or your money through not being aware of what you are doing, so slow down and know your limits.

Choose an Apartment in a Safe Area

You can go online for this to check out crime statistics in certain parts of Paris and see which ones would be best for you to rent an apartment in.

You will want to go for one that is well-lit during the night and has a keypad on the front door so it is concealed from people who try and just walk in.

Learn the passcode and do not keep it on your phone or in your pocket.

Do not prematurely take out your keys, but wait until you are inside the building and the main door is shut behind you before doing so.

Stay in a Reputable Hotel

If you are not in an apartment but have instead opted for a hotel room, then go online and check out different reviews to see which one would be the best option for you to pick.

You will want one with a safe that you can put your valuables in, plus a locked door that you and housekeeping have access to.

Check and see if they have security cameras as well so you can feel safe when entering and exiting your room and the building.

Know Your Public Transportation Routes

Public transport such as the metro is a wonderful way to go around the city and get you to your desired location. Whilst it is an essential way to travel, it is also a prime place for pickpockets to try and catch you.

Always purchase tickets from a reliable vendor or machine and do not buy from random people inside the stations, even if they look legit, always go to a booth or a labeled machine.

Unwanted Attention

Being a solo female in any part of the world can have people take notice of you, and in a country that has different mannerisms and communication, you may find yourself in a spot you are not prepared for, e.g. smiling at random people could be an invitation for them to talk to you which may lead on to something else you don’t want.

Keep Your Belongings Close to You

Do not let any of your items out of your sight when traveling solo on trains or buses. Keep them close to you and ensure that you do checks throughout the day to see if anything may have been taken in transit.

Keep your bags zipped up and your purse/wallet and phone in a pocket that you can feel at all times.

If they really want your items, they will try a whole manner of things to get their hands on them, so be vigilant and don’t leave anything to chance.

If you notice someone quite close, put your hands on your items and try and walk as far away as you can to be safe.

Only Use ATMs That Can Be Seen

Don’t dip down an alleyway to use an ATM, it is best to do it in an area where people are so that you are not targeted when you get your money out.

It may be wise to get a bulk out at the start of your trip by doing an exchange of your money before you leave and only take out what is needed each time you leave your apartment/hotel. This will save you from constantly visiting an ATM and making yourself another target.

Keep in Contact With Your Family

It is always a good idea to let your family know where you are and what you are doing to keep safe, especially when you are in another country.

If you can, share your location when needed and let them know what is on your itinerary.

This will not only give them peace of mind, but it will do the same for you too.

Being alone anywhere is nerve-wracking, but you want to enjoy your experience, and part of that enjoyment is safety.

As a first-time traveler, you have picked a destination you want to go to, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be perfect, that is why keeping in touch is a no-brainer.


So, is Paris safe for solo female travellers? Yes, it can be, as long as you are aware of what you need to do to be safe.

It is an unfortunate reality, but, everywhere these days can be a worry for someone traveling solo for the first time and for the hundredth time even.

Paris can be one of the most beautiful places to go to, but if you are not aware of your surroundings and know what you need to do to be safe, it can be an awful trip that you don’t want to do again.